Jumat, 11 November 2011


Title : Jingga dalam Elegi
Genre : Teenlit
Date of Release : February 2011
No. of Page : 395
Publisher : Gramedia
Author : Esti Kinasih
Review : Since the events of the morning when Ari saw Tari's swollen eyes, Ari was curious.Was that just because Ari remove Ata's numbers from Tari's phone, or becauseAnga? If it's because that in fact mortal enemy Anga Ari, Ari wanted to know what the guy has done it to dance.
After finding a shoulder to cry on replacement Angga in Ata, slowly began to forgetAnga Dance. Ata attitude as opposed to making Dance Ari comfortable with Ata.He also vent it out to Ata gentle, caring, kind, and who only recently realized Dancemanaged to make his heart thumping wildly. Ari to harassment and intimidation are not ignoring. This is what makes Ari-now more ill at his rival is not the Angga, but his twin brother alone.

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

“Pertama kali bayangmu jatuh tepat di fokus hatiku

Nyata, tegak, diperbesar dengan kekuatan lensa maksimum

Bagai tetes minyak milikan jatuh di ruang hampa

Cintaku lebih besar dari bilangan avogadro…

Walau jarak kita bagai matahari dan Pluto saat aphelium

Amplitudo gelombang hatimu berinterfensi dengan hatiku

Seindah gerak harmonik sempurna tanpa gaya pemulih

Bagai kopel gaya dengan kecepatan angular yang tak terbatas”

Maaf jika vulnus ictum et causa keraguanku

Menembus cavum thorax dan bersarang tepat di cardia-mu

Menciptakan internal bleeding profuse yang mungkin membunuhmu

Menjadikan kolaps semua asa yang pernah kausemaikan

Tapi jika tanda-tanda vital cinta itu masih positif

Selamatkan ia dengan oksigenasi 2 liter/menit

Basahi cinta yang tersisa dengan cairan infus ringer laktat

Teteskan anti-koagulan agar tak terjadi proses pembekuan


Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Tak  Mengerti

Saya takmengerti kenapa  saya ingin dimengerti
Tapi saya mengerti akan hal yang saya ingin mengerti
Sedangkan mereka tak mengerti,

Saya tak mengerti
Akan penilaian mereka tentang pengertian saya,
Apa mereka tak tergerak hatinya
Tuk mengerti yang sebelumnya kami artikan dari ini,

Apa kalian mengerti?
Tak bisakah, sekali saja,
Malihat  kemari,
Melihat ketidakmengertian kami ini,

Bukan saya manja,
Tapi saya  belum bisa untuk sekarang,

Jadi kumohon, mengertilah…

Smkn 2 vs Sman 4
                                         Bloody fighting

SMKN 2 vs SMAN 4, in KOBALAMA (Kompetisi basket antar pelajar SMA sederajad se-madura) struggle to obtain a ticket to semifinal. In that fighting, there was a bloody accident , a player of SMKN 2 was elbowed by a player of SMAN 4, so his forehead had to sewing.
That accident happened in the third quarter, when a SMAN4’s player was shooting, an other player from SMKN2 jumped. He (player of SMKN2) wanted to block that shooting, but accidently he elbowed by the player who was shooting.


Actually, SMAN 4 got more points for the first quarter to second quarter. But, furthermore, after that bloody accident, SMKN2 compared his score with SMAN4 score. And in the end SMKN2 won that game. Poor SMA4.
Texa ananta,someone who watched hat accident,said that accident was unintentional and shouldn’t worried, and they have to forgive each other.
My house isn’t like another house. Because I live at some different place.

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

dalam keadaan tertekan begini,sepertinye aku ga kan bisa belajar buat ulangan besok..



Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

tak berarti

aku bener-benar benci melihat tangisanmu,
tolong hentikan,aku benar-benar akan membencimu jika kau tak menghentikannya.
tapi,entah kenapa mataku terus terpaku pada sosok dirimu yang menunjukkan kelemahannya malam ini,
aku benar-benar tak mengerti kenapa,entahlah..
tapi kumohon,jangan menangis.
hatiku perih melihatnya.
kali ini saja,

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

aku gak habis pikir sama yang terjadi barusan,mana ada lomba...lomba bergengsi lagi...gak ada konsumsinya.
yang dapet konsumsi malah pengawasnya,
sedangkan peserta yang capek capek mikir buat nyelesaiin soalnya tuh gak dikasih konsumsi,padahal kan belum tentu uda makan..
kalo pengawasnya,udah tinggal duduk manis dapet uang dapet konsumsi..
bagaimana ini...
untung rumahku deket,
tapi kecewa...
aku gak habis pikir sama yang terjadi barusan,mana ada lomba...lomba bergengsi lagi...gak ada konsumsinya.
yang dapet konsumsi malah pengawasnya,
sedangkan peserta yang capek capek mikir buat nyelesaiin soalnya tuh gak dikasih konsumsi,padahal kan belum tentu uda makan..
kalo pengawasnya,udah tinggal duduk manis dapet uang dapet konsumsi..
bagaimana ini...
untung rumahku deket,
tapi kecewa...
aku gak habis pikir sama yang terjadi barusan,mana ada lomba...lomba bergengsi lagi...gak ada konsumsinya.
yang dapet konsumsi malah pengawasnya,
sedangkan peserta yang capek capek mikir buat nyelesaiin soalnya tuh gak dikasih konsumsi,padahal kan belum tentu uda makan..
kalo pengawasnya,udah tinggal duduk manis dapet uang dapet konsumsi..
bagaimana ini...
untung rumahku deket,
tapi kecewa...
aku gak habis pikir sama yang terjadi barusan,mana ada lomba...lomba bergengsi lagi...gak ada konsumsinya.
yang dapet konsumsi malah pengawasnya,
sedangkan peserta yang capek capek mikir buat nyelesaiin soalnya tuh gak dikasih konsumsi,padahal kan belum tentu uda makan..
kalo pengawasnya,udah tinggal duduk manis dapet uang dapet konsumsi..
bagaimana ini...
untung rumahku deket,
tapi kecewa...

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

akhir dari sebuah cerita

maap yak...
Kita kayaknya enakan jadi temen :)
Aku emang sayang sama kamu,tpi kayaknya ada yg ga sreg sma hbunga kita,lebih enak kalo kita jadi temen :)

Itulah sms darinya,

inilah akhir dari sebuah cerita,cerita yang dimulai awal april,dan diakhiri tanggal 1 mei...
Jaaaah... =)
Ternyata saya tak bisa membohongi diri sendiri..
Yak,pagghun beih berbekas di hati..

Sabtu, 30 April 2011


3 hari yang lalu tiba2 aj kamu brubah sikap,aku tw itu...
emang sih kamu bilang  lagi bad mood,tapi masa' bad mood ampek 3hari??
q semakin ragu waktu q pgen pinjem hpmu dan g dibolehin.q tanya knpa tapi bilangnya ga papa.tapi ditanyain 'kalo ga pap yauda aku pinjem HPnya tapi tetep aj gak boleh.. ditanya lagi kenpa jawabannya te2p aj gak papa..
q ngrasa ada yang dsembunyiin...
aku takut kalo uda kayak gini kamu bakal ninggalin aku..seperti yang udah terjadi sama aku sebelumnya..
kamu gak tau rasanya.
ini bikin aku sedih,apalagi kamu sama sekali gak ngubungin aku.Saat ditaxa n dminta icarapun bilangx males bicara..
gak enak tau rasanya..
aku takut kamu pergi,pergi kayak mereka yang udah ninggalin aku...
tapi tau gak??aku udah ngrasa sedikit lega krna rusan kamu...
dan aku senang karena aku bener2 rinduin senyuman itu...
makasih bwt sexumnya...
semoga aja kamu jujur...

Senin, 11 April 2011

The Princess Worn Out Shoes

The princess worn out shoes
It was a mystery. Every evening, the king’s beautiful daughter was locked in her room, and every morning her shoes were worn out from dancing too much.
The king offered a great reward to whoever could solve this mystery. Many people tried, but in vain; then along came a young man who had a magic cloak that could make him invisible. He had been given this by his godmother, a good witch.
When evening came, the young man put on his magic cloak and hid beside the bed of the sleeping girl. In the night, he saw the princess rise from her bad like a sleep-walker and enter a secret passage which opened up in the wall, Without hesitation, the men followed her.
They crossed a mysterious underground garden. At the end of a long avenue, there stood a castle, gleaming with lights, and there the princess was awaited by the Prince of the Night. A great ball began at once.
The invisible young man hurried back to the king and told him of all that he had seen. When the princess returned at dawn, she found her father waiting, together with the young man and his godmother. The good witch took away the spell that made the princess dance all night and cast another one on her, which caused her to fall in love with her brave godson.
King felt very happy and will marriage the princess and the young man 7 days later. But the king didn’t know that the princess fall in love with the young man caused by the witch’s spell.
2 days before the wedding, the princess found her worn out shoes. She knew that it’s her shoes, but she didn’t know how could it be worn out. She asked her servant, and the servant told she about the fact. She decided to take on that worn out shoes, then the spell took away from herself. So she remembered all and she felt very miss the prince.
Actually she was falling in love with the prince in first sight when she met the prince in a dance party. They loved each other, They didn’t want to be apart. So the prince offered a spell that could make the princess came to the prince’s castle, then he will awaited the princess in a dance party. But, the princess will forgot all. The princess didn’t fell worry and accepted the prince’s offer.
After she knew that she will marriage with the young man, she angry then she met the young man, and…
“I’ll meet my father then ask him to cancel the wedding” said the princess to the young man.
The young man worried, he asked for help to his godmother to put a spell which could make the princess fall in love with him again. So they chased the princess.
When the godmother taking the spell, suddenly the prince came and….
“ Stop! You can’t do it!” said the prince.
He huged the princess, the godmother tried and tried again to take the spell but it ineffective.
“Your spell will never won with the power of love.” said the prince.
Finally the princess and the prince went to the palace and told all to the king and asked him to change the bridegroom with the prince. And the young man gave a prize by the king to replace the first reward.
Love can’t be compel by whoever. So, it’s better we love someone that love us as we are…

Akhirnya selesaiii jugaaa…. (Tugas bahasa inggris yang udah nunggak sekian lama…hehe =p)
Nb:Bila ada salah eja or grammar mohon direstui saja,,,terimakasih…

Selasa, 05 April 2011


Using the Subjunctive Correctly in English

most people don’t know how to use the subjunctive in English. You use the subjunctive in counterfactual statements (“If I were going to the store…”, NOT “If I was going to the store…”), wishful statements (“If I were a hammer….” NOT “If I was a hammer…”) and conjuctive formulations (“Lest you misuse the subjunctive, read here for more information”).
It’s annoying enough when people misuse the subjunctive in everyday conversation. When the title of a children’s book, however, is “I Wish I Was…” I have to bang my head against the wall. Who was your editor? Who? And from what cut-rate English program did she graduate? I ask because she needs a good slap, her advisor needs a slap or two and the entire program needs a few kicks in the shin. The publishing house should feel some shame too.
Can you tell this is one of my pet peeves? When I am reading one of my novels just because it has no redeeming literary merit does not, in my opinion, exempt it from meeting standard grammar requirements. When the subjunctive gets misused it throws me right out of the story, breaks into my mental flow, and that annoys me.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled mommyblog already in progress wherein my son is trying to balance a red block on his head for reasons that I am sure would make sense if you were one.

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

kata miss "yang penting seluruh dunia tau qta punya rekening bank.."
jaah,smpai sekarang aku mikir,,caranya nabung di bank tuh gmna sich?aneh aja masak bawa uang ke banknya ato gmna?
haduh la...
apa mungkin gak penting buat dipikirin aj ya?
buat miis ina-q (jaah,lebbay)....miss,buat tugas postingan ntu miss yng pertama saya belum translate miss,,habisnya panjaaaaaaang cerita yang saya buat miss...
bikin males yang mau n-translate...
hahaha...mohon ampuuun miss....